Masks Covid-19 Surgical, FFP2, Fabric...: What to Choose?
A barrier gesture well known to all, the mask has become the essential protection. But how to find your way around? there is a multitude of patterns, shapes, and colors. The Medizer team disposable mask in bulk has concocted a guide to find your way around.
Respiratory protective mask: definition and uses
The term protective mask includes all respiratory protective equipment. More specifically, these devices protect against the inhalation of potentially dangerous particles, such as toxic dusts or gases. As you have surely understood, protective masks do not only have a medical use, they are frequently used by building professionals, by the military, or by maintenance agents.
Therefore, there are a large number of ranges and types of respiratory protection masks: filter masks, washable masks, FFP2 masks, cartridge masks... Not easy to navigate? Masks have been an integral part of our lives for almost more than a year and we still do not know the different peculiarities of these protective devices.
So here is a summary of the different categories of respiratory protection mask:
Filtering respirators:
They are very tight respiratory protection devices, filtering inspired air that may be toxic. FFP2 masks, or washable masks are filtering devices
Insulating breathing apparatus:
Filtering device, compact and lightweight, easily transportable. But this type of device can only protect against a specific type of respiratory aggression, so it is specific to a danger: dust, aerosols, gases and vapors... This device is very often used in firefighters, it usually comes in the form of a full face mask.
Note: A surgical mask is not, strictly speaking, a breathing mask. It is rather an anti-projection mask. It is therefore not individual protection.
But then how to find the mask that suits your needs?
Our experts advise you to take the time to reflect on these points before choosing and buying your mask:
Where will I use my mask? A closed, airy room? Do I want to protect myself from inhaling a toxic particle or a virus? Do I want to protect someone? For example, it is advisable for all extremely dusty activities, or in contact with chemical substances, to wear a protective mask type FFP, if the place is sufficiently ventilated because breathing with this mask can be extremely difficult in an enclosed place. In the opposite case, it may be necessary to use an insulating protective mask.
The use of a mask is therefore extremely important. It should not be taken lightly, they are devices that protect our health, if and only if we use them correctly. This advice is very important in this time of epidemic where wearing a mask is mandatory.
What are the different types of protective masks against Covid-19?
The latest government recommendations recommend the use of 3 types of masks: surgical masks, cloth masks and finally FFP2 masks. These masks all 3 have specific characteristics. Always with the aim of accompanying you in the choice of your mask, our experts have prepared a summary on each of these masks.
1 – The surgical mask:
Surgical masks, also known as spray masks, are disposable medical devices, i.e. single-use medical devices. They prevent secretion projections during exhalation, in other words surgical masks trap saliva droplets during exhalation. This type of half-mask protects people close to you from potential transmissible infections, such as Covid-19 or the flu. This device is in no way a dust protection.
There are 3 types of surgical masks, each with different filtration capabilities:
Category 1 surgical masks: this type of protection has a filtration rate greater than or equal to 95%.
Category 2 surgical masks: this type of device has a filtration rate greater than or equal to 98%.
Category IIR surgical masks: these surgical masks are the most filtering of surgical masks. They are mainly intended for health professionals.
Surgical masks come in different shapes, sizes & colors. No more headaches, the whole family can be protected: child mask, black mask ....Following recent government announcements all anti-projection masks of category 1 or higher are allowed as long as they meet the EN14683 standard.
2 – The cloth mask:
Cloth masks, more generally called consumer masks or washable masks, were developed to meet the need for protection at the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic. These masks are used to protect against inhalation and projection of fine particles, through the use of textiles. Most often they are reusable.
There are several categories of washable masks, with different filtering properties:
Category 1 or UNS1 fabric masks: this type of protection has a filtration rate greater than or equal to 90%.
Category 2 fabric masks: this type of device has a filtration rate greater than or equal to 70%.
UNS1 masks are currently the only consumer masks to be recommended, especially in the face of Covid-19 variants.
3 – The FFP2 mask:
FFP2 masks are filtering and disposable respiratory protection. These masks are part of the large family of FFP masks, Filtering Facepiece or Filtrante Facial Piece. Overall FFP masks have a strong waterproofing, they are the most efficient disposable masks on the market. There are 3 categories of protection: FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.
As part of the fight against Covid-19, only FFP2 masks are recommended, they filter 94% of airborne particles. Be careful, wearing this type of mask can be restrictive. Indeed, having a strong filtering power it is possible to feel some respiratory resistance. To overcome this difficulty some FFP2 masks are equipped with valve or breathing valve.
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