Can Be a Sign Of Covid-19
Today, although many people think that the pandemic is
over, the process continues. So much so that in some countries there is still
quarantine, etc.strict measures are underway. As such, the problem of Covid-19
has an important place in our lives. Therefore, protecting ourselves and those around us again becomes
Recently, so to speak, many people show signs of illness
while they are in the flu/cold season. Experts draw attention to this situation
and state that cough, which is one of these symptoms, can also indicate
Covid-19. In other words, the cough that you think of as a normal flu may
actually be a sign of Covid-19.
Cough is an action developed by the body to protect
itself, and it can also be an indicator of Covid-19. Experts recommend that if
the cough is not temporary, that is, if it lasts for a long time, a health care
provider should be consulted. Another recommended issue is that everyone should
continue to apply personal precautions in this process, whether they show signs
or not. Compliance with the hygiene rules, distance and mask, which have been
said since the first periods of the pandemic, appear at this point as three
main measures. Especially, the mask has a special importance in order to
protect both sides from the contagious effect of the disease.
İmportance of Using a Mask When Coughing Symptom is Shown
As mentioned, cough is an action developed by the body
to protect itself from germs. One of the main ways to protect against highly
contagious diseases such as Covid-19 is to wear masks, both for the person
showing the symptoms of the disease and for other individuals. In this way, it
will be possible to protect both parties from the effects of the disease as
much as possible. Another question that is asked is what kind of mask should be
used for protection. At this point, you can use a standard medical mask, or you
can choose the N95/FFP2 mask, which we can call the most comfortable mask in
the world. These masks, which are especially useful for long term protection,
are also very reliable in conditions of
protection rate.
Medizer family, which activities in the wholesale area
of disposable face masks, continues to work with the principle of prioritizing
quality in this regard, while producing both wholesale medical masks and
wholesale N95/FFP2 masks. In this direction, if you want to work with the
Medizer family, you can contact us. Again, you can contact us for all your
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