Face Masks for kids During COVID-19
Masks remain a simple but powerful tool to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. They are especially important for children who are too young for the vaccine.
The elimination of school mask mandates is bringing joy for some kids and apprehension for others—and a new round of challenges for parents.
Many children are thrilled to see their classmates’ smiles in person for the first time in two years, but others are nervous about whether it’s safe for themselves or their loved ones. Some also worry about being mocked for their decisions to wear (or not wear) a mask.
Here are a few tips on what to include in your conversation as you talk to your kids about this transition period and recommendations from other parents on how they are communicating with their kids.
Explain the science
While it may be daunting to try to explain the science and nuance behind current pandemic conditions and public health guidance, it is important to be honest and share the reasoning behind the decision of whether your kids will continue to face mask or be able to go mask-less. This will help them better understand what is happening around them and not feel as if they are no longer safe.
Have them feel empowered to ask questions
This will be a confusing time as kids see some of their friends, teachers and school staff that may have chosen to continue masking and others who have chosen not to.It is important that parents are a safe place for their children to express how they feel, and that parents model their own feelings, so children know having feelings is a normal reaction. Continue with repeated check ins with your child during this transition period so they can express their feelings.
Let them choose the mask
Giving children any sense of control may go a long way. They may not have control over the rule, but maybe you can let them pick the color or design of the mask, Harwood suggests.
Crafty parents may even consider making a mask with their child using their chosen pattern.
How can I explain to my child why they still need a mask at daycare?
For children under 3, it's best to answer their questions simply in language they understand. If they ask about why people are wearing face masks, explain that sometimes people need to wear them to stay healthy.
For children over 3, try focusing on germs. Explain that germs are special to your own body. Some germs and good and some are bad. The bad ones can make you sick. Since we can't always tell which are good or bad, kids face masks help make sure you keep those germs away from your own body.
When children do not need to wear masks
Children do not need to wear a mask when:
They are at home and no one is sick.
They are able to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people at all times.
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